se it enough that our land won't look like a swamp when it rains.
Until next time my little mad hatters, moons and stars.....
the neighbors kids. We talked to the construction crew and they have been bringing fill dirt to us so that we can raise the land up. We are trying to rai
one of the speeding cars that tend to come flying by here. There are three really large mountains of dirt that have kept al the kids occupied. Mine and
me in December/January. Its not so bad really. The road has been closed off and has allowed the kids, mine included to play without fear of being hit by
12. Yes for the last five months. And the sad thing is, they aren't done and wont be done until March or so. The third phase is supposed to start some ti
and it was actually a touch chilly. I tossed on my zebra print socks and eeyore fleece pants.
There has been construction on our road since April 20
a nice reprieve the last week or so. No rain and cooler temps. I don't think we have gotten over 86 or so in the last week or two. I woke up this morning
Quick driveby post:
Aside from all the chaos around here there isn't much to tell. We have had so much rain that I am sick of seeing rain. It has been