Sorry about not posting much. I have been busy getting my mental health in order. Been waiting and waiting and finnaly managed to set up a weekly schedule to see a therapist. So far I cant tell if its working or not but the dr. Seems to think so. Lol...Days tend to blend into each other and I tend to lose track of time. Witch has me conserned. Just recently my family noticed that I have a bit of trouble hearing people on certain tones when they talk. If its not one thing after another on top of the pile of heath issues ive aquired from the accident I sustained.
Hope all of you have had a great Thanksgiving mine was quiet until there was a misshap that happpend In the kitchen. So let me quickly lay out the story.
I was in charge of cooking the turkey this year. So I decied to try and slow cook it this year. I started way ahead and satarted early to give me a 12 hour target cook time. So 3/4 into cooking some of the juces managed to drip out of the pan and get to the bottom of the oven...yea once that happened, if you dont know before reading this you will now be warned. The fat from the juices started to burn and smoke out the house. Yup...I had to get the turkey out out of the oven and finish it off on the bbq grill I had in the back yard, air out the house, let the oven cool down, clean said oven, and prep it for working order again. With all that said and done with I was 1/2 hour off of my finished prep time I set for myself. Hope yours has been spent well with the loved ones in your life. Till next time and hopefully sooner rather than later.
The Bear