Just another ordinary Monday here. I have never really liked Monday's to be honest. But then I am not really a morning person, and Monday means waking up in the morning to start the week. Sometimes they start off good (like today), other times they start of bad (like 6 months ago). I have to say that I am much happier now. Life has calmed down and is filled with barely any "drama". I have moved 5 states away from my family and it was the best thing I ever did. I love my family, but sometimes...It's good to have some space between you and family. The kids are thriving and do so well out here. We have a small farm so to speak. Let's see here, we have 5 dogs, 6 cats, numerous small critters, chickens.....We are getting ready to build a coop for the chickens (Rhode Island Reds). We are getting 2 nanny goats, 2 billy goats, possibly a cow. We make frequent trips to the beach where the kids always have a blast.
So, today has been a really good day. Its still rather hot here but not as hot as it has been for the last two months. Today its only about 88 degrees at 1pm, instead of 106 and higher. We had some good rains over the weekend. Chy and I got the chance to play in the rain with the Risk, Aly and Saph (3 of our dogs). It was...FUN! Sometime today we need to get the riding mower and mow the lawns. That is a task in itself lol. The house is clean, laundry is being washed. I got caught up on the laundry last week, which felt good. I have 4 lines out in the back, so I can hang clothes out and not use the dryer...which makes the house hot during hot days =)
I went thru an entire big bottle of clorox doing laundry, washing walls, washing floors, scrubbing bathrooms. So, its off tot he store on Tuesday to get some more bleach, a few more things of dish soap and laundry soap.
I think maybe this week we will go back to Vilano beach or maybe Ponte Verda Beach. I know i want to head out to Pen to see my friend Kierstin, who I haven't seen in a long time. Kiers and i go back to when we were both pregnant. I can't believe its been as long as it has. I reconnected with my childhood best friend B and Sam. The things we talked about while catching up on each others lives. So so much has happened over the years. Hard to believe we have been friends for 22 years!
My twin is now homeschooling her girls and let me tell you I am so proud of her. She is doing amazing! She is loving every moment and my nieces are doing wonderful as a result. She is one talented multi tasking girl lol.
I will be starting back to school soon. Originally I had signed up with UoM for CSI Photography and Analysis. Originally. Over the weekend I changed my mind and decided to go with a major in Archaeology and Marine Biology with a possible understudy emphasis on CSI Photography. I think I will enjoy marine Biology and archaeology more than CSI Photography. Irregardless, I start back to college soon and i am taking on a full load. I will be full time and its going to be stressful I'm sure.
Chy is studying to be a veterinarian, she is in the midst of her own Marine biology class and I am trying to help her with that. Dakota has decided to pursue Law enforcement as his area of study and he is excited about it. Cheri is in 7th grade and wants to pursue veterinarian in the future. Who knows...maybe i will have TWO doctors in the family =) Shawnee, Chenoa, Hunter, Liam and Dinnah all start back to school at the end of August. Summer is slowly coming to an end and willgive way to Autumn. I can't...wait.
My Photography business is slowly taking hold here and that's a good thing. Renamed the business, gave it a new look. We are getting ready to start building the studio, which will be large enough for my equipment, props etc and clients =)
Well, now that I have bored you to death...I will leave you be lol
Have a wonderful Monday and an awesome week everyone!!!!
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