Thursday, March 22, 2012
Hard times and super stressed. I need a money fairy =/
Hi hi hi my little stars and moons. I know I have been scarce as of late. I am so sorry about that. Things have gotten overwhelming and pretty stressful around here. As you know I was embroiled in a battle with the IRS over my refund. The short of it is that they took it without warning and I lost the fight. We were working with the Tax Advocate Offices and faxed them every single invoice and letter that they wanted. The deadline to have it turned in with the IRS was March 5th. Well, the TAO missed the deadline. Completely dropped the ball. I faxed everything to them on Feb. 28, 2012 and they called to confirm that they had indeed gotten the cover letter and all the attachments. She said she was looking at them right then and we talked about the particulars dealing with information that was in the faxes. So yes, she verified with her line of questioning that they had indeed gotten it all. Two weeks went by and I had heard not a peep from the TAO so I called them. That is when they informed me that they had missed the deadline. She started out apologetic and then it went to Hades fairly quick after that. The call ended with me losing my temper and telling her exactly what I thought of her dropping the ball. In the end we learned that because they missed the deadline, we were dead in the water in terms of seeing any money. Money that we desperately need. With Daniel being unemployed right now we have zero income coming in. The economy has all but halted my photography business, which has been non existent for the last year. We have an electric bill that is overdue and in danger of being shut off. We have a water bill that is also now overdue and in danger of being shut off. We called my parents to see if we could borrow the 600.00 that we need to get the bills paid and they just don't have it. Daniel asked his family and they don't have it either. So now, I feel like a total failure. With 8 kids I have to have electric and water. And right now things are looking pretty bleak in terms of having those two very important utilities. I have tried selling my wedding rings, necklaces, bracelets, and gotten nowhere. I have even looked into title loans and that has come up empty as well. The normal places that help with utilities around here, are tapped dry in terms of funding so they are just putting people on a 2-3 month waiting list. I honestly don't know what to do now. I debated heavily about putting this on my blog or not putting it on my blog. I realize I am putting myself out there and will likely receive some pretty harsh backlash on it. But seriously, my blog is my outlet for stress and frustrations. And right now I desperately need understanding, help and comfort. I just don't what else to do. I have exhausted all my options to be honest. If I don't smile and laugh, I cry. Give me the winning lottery numbers if you have them. And if you know someone who has money to waste or spend on a good cause, send em my way will ya. Just kidding there guys. Hopefully people can see the humor I am trying desperately to inject into the whole situation.
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