Shawnee is 14 now. Where has the time gone? I feel like all my babies are growing up way too fast. My youngest two are now 9. Quick! Someone loan me your newborn for a month. Please? Okay, okay, I know how hard it is to let go of that sweet smelling newborn phase. I won't badger you. Well, maybe just this >.< much. One of my Roosters died. As did my game hen. Cleopatra died from a heart attack that my son's dog gave her. I was so mad at that dog (she still gets the death glare and won't come near me because of it). Ra (the rooster) died from what we suspect was liver failure. And trust me when I say that is just the tip of the iceberg on the total insanity that has been taking a slow and leisurely walk through our house lately. The gardens are somewhat planted (yeah I'm slacking on that. Beat me with some whips will you? I need the enjoyment -wink-) and they are starting to look decent if you ask me. My roses are growing nicely and blooming. Well strike that. One of my bushes had a huge bloom that my children promptly beheaded. Yeah, we won't go there LOL. My allergies are saying screw you lady. We have had warm weather (I know, when do we not have warm weather in Florida right?) and I was telling my Daddy about it a few days ago. I was explaining how we haven't had a normal Florida winter and as a result of no cold weather, the fleas, ticks and such have not died down. So now I have to treat my yard and the dogs hard and heavy. Poor Bella barks (i.e talks) to her fleas, scratches, then whines at them and scratches some more before she growls at them. Poor Bella. I feel for her. Carsten is spoiled rotten. Boy you can tell he is my dog. He wants whatever I am eating and drinking. He gives the biggest puppy dog eyes I tell you.
Well I am going to close this for now. I will be back soon enough. Love you all mucho grande.
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