When I went MIA back in March, I was in the middle of repainting the living room, dining room, office, hallway and kids bathroom. I finished them. Thankfully. It turned out pretty nice. I still need to repaint the kitchen, master bath and master bedroom. Along with C & D's room. I also need to repaint Cherokee and Shawnee's room as well. But that can wait. For now. Back in April our property preservation business ( Bleu Wolf Properties & Preservations and Bleu Wolf Properties on FB) suddenly took off. As if the Queen had said "Off with their heads!". However, despite securing several large contracts with National and International companies, business has slowed down. I am glad that we have our 1mil insurance policy for the business though. It is instrumental in securing contracts. The more contracts we get, the more income it brings in. We are working on securing some contracts in Oklahoma, where my family lives.
Speaking of Oklahoma, Mother Nature seems to be over her little tirade against them. For now. When the May 20th tornado hit Moore, I freaked. No one could get a hold of my sister in law. No one knew where my nieces and nephews were. Nor if they were injured or alive. I felt helpless being here in Florida. I wanted nothing more than to be in Oklahoma with my family. I was a basket case. Finally I got the call that they were okay. I felt as if every bit of tension had drained from my body. Then the next round of tornadoes hit. This time hitting Yukon (where my ex, the kids father, lives) and coming unbelievably close to my parents and brothers homes. Again. Cue all the tension, stress and manic panic. Again. Thankfully my family made it through unscathed. I am glad Mother Nature has given them a reprieve from whatever transgression she is punishing them for.
Well my little moons and stars, this Mad Hatter needs to go for the day. Have fun. And remember....."We are all mad here"
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