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Monday, October 13, 2008

One Moment.....

One moment.....

That's all it takes for your entire life to change. Everything you knew was suddenly rendered useless. In one moment my entire world came to a sudden halt. It spiraled right before my eyes. I stood there, shell shocked and unable to utter a single word for some time. I wasn't sure if I was understanding this woman quite right. She struck me as a heartless bitch to be opinion of her right now at this moment, will remain unspoken.
All I know is my entire world has come to a crashing and screeching halt for the time being. Maybe in time things will calm down....I just know that I am angry. Not depressed, not sad, angry and HURT. This woman says I am can she not tell the difference between stressed and depressed? I am beyond STRESSED, but in no way am I depressed. I have no reason to dwell and be depressed. That would serve absolutely no purpose in my life. I have better things to do than sit and be miserable. It really amazes me that others want nothing more than to bring you down with them when they are miserable themselves. I don't know what caused this person to turn on me, I'm not entirely sure I WANT to know. Especially given I don't know this person well enough at all. It all just blows my mind in reality. I mind my own business, tend to my family, my life and yet I get tossed into the middle of something I had no desire to be in. What the hell? Well I will update more on the "situation" later.

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