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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Did I take those?

I have an affinity for Black & Whites, and Vintage tones. Which may or may not be why I tend to take more B&W shots than anything. Or why I have the overwhelming desire to create Vintage images. But honestly, I never have figured out why. I just love them. In reality I prefer them over color prints any day. Like music, each photograph, each image I take or draw, has a story to tell. The world I see through my lens is astounding to me. It's almost magical. It's a world that is ever expanding. From capturing a newborn's first moments to catching a butterfly in mid's all just simply magical. With that said, I want to share some of my favorite images throughout the years. Granted they aren't my best work. But I save all my best shots for my portfolio.

This is my favorite shot of my now 17 year old son, Dakota. This image was one that I managed to capture of him unaware at Vilano Beach in 2010.

Now this shot was one I took when Cherokee was just a "wee one" in my eyes. I believe she was 6 here (She is 15 now, yikes). The location was Dawes Arboretum in Ohio.

This would have to be my 2nd favorite shot of my husband Daniel. This was taken in 2010 at Vilano Beach as well. 

As much as I think this particular shot is not my best work, It's one of the few I have of my daughter Tiffani when she was pregnant with my grandson. This was taken in my studio in 2009 before I relocated to where I currently reside now

And this is actually a soft color image that I grabbed when we were at Neptune Beach. Hunter and Cherokee were looking at a crawdad which was promptly beheaded (leave it to Hunter to behead a crawdad) after I got the shot

This is a vintage tone shot of Chenoa back in 2008-2009. Honestly I would have to dig my portfolio out to check the date. 

This one was when Liam was about 21 months old if I recall. It was part of a collection titled "Innocence" that I did.

Looking back at some of my older work makes me shudder to say the least. I look at some of my work and think what the heck was I thinking?  Thankfully my clients get only my absolute best work =)

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