Saturday, January 28, 2012
Grimm is by far one of my few addictions that I can't give up. I love the show. Few realize that the original Grimm Brothers Fairy tales, were originally very dark and macabre. They weren't the sweet, pretty and sunshine filled fairy tales that we were told as children. The original Grimm fairy tales, were often filled with macabre horror that was definitely blood and gore. They were told in an effort to keep children from misbehaving and to stay in bed at night. While I love the sunshine and rainbows versions, I like the dark and macabre versions too. The original versions were just as interesting and intriguing as the sweet and sparkling versions. Not everything in life is about roses and pretty. There are always dark and horrific tones lying underneath the surface of most everything in life. We just tend to overlook or bury those tones. Cover them up with a more appealing veneer. Honestly, I have what most would call a dark and morbid sense of humor. Does it make me bad? No, not at all. I just tend to find humor in things that others don't. Does it make me a screwed up and evil person? Nope, hardly. I am just different and don't fit within the "norm" of society. I don't fit within the confines of being a follower in society either. I firmly believe in being who you are. Not who and what you aren't. People will either accept you as you are, or they will try to change you into what THEY want you to be, who they want you to be. And to me, that's just....So not cool. My sense of humor doesn't fit within your ideas of what is normal? So what. My views and interpretations don't fit within your scope of what you think is acceptable? Tough snot. I'm not who and what you think I should be? I don't care. I'm not normal? Your point? Normal is over rated. Normal is for people who are too lazy to be themselves. My motto is "Create a path where there was none before. take the path that is less traveled. Don't be who you aren't. And don't be something that you aren't. Don't conform to what others think you should be and do. Be YOU. There is only one you. There will never be another YOU. Can you love me for who and what I am? If you can, then you just might be worth having in my life." Seems simple enough right? You'd be surprised at how many people say they don't try to change the people in their life. Sad thing is, they do. They try to make others into what they think they should be.
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