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Monday, January 23, 2012

Like a Moth to a flame

I am going to share a journal entry I wrote a while back. This was written April 12, 2007 and I thought that maybe it was worth sharing with others.

Like a moth to the flame, we are drawn to those who are like us. Maybe its their emotions, or the way they think. Perhaps we are drawn to those like us because their emotions are similar to our own. I was talking to a very special friend last night in IM's, he asked me how I always managed to say in my writings, exactly what he is feeling. I really didn't have an answer to that, other than I am drawn to people who are like me, who think like I do, who have emotions like I do. I believe I told him I am more intune to peoples emotions than most people are. I give my native american heritage credit for that.  Have you ever taken a solitary walk thru the park, pondering life, love, hope or other things that have taken place in your life? Those are the times when we need to dig deep down and see what is really in our souls, our hearts. I have always loved to write, in fact I am working on book #7 in a series of 13 novels. Been working on this series for many years now, maybe one day I will finish them all. For me writing is my way of getting my emotions out, I am much better at writing than I am at expressing my emotions in reality.  If you find you have trouble like that, try writing a journal, you would be surprised as to how much it helps. I have gotten quite a few comments and emails on my journal (this is my 8th journal within a year), I was actually surprised at the reactions this journal has gotten.... a lot of people didn't realize I had this side of me. There's a reason for that, I rarely allow others to see this side of me, to expierence this side. I suppose it's because I feel its my softer, more emotional side, one that can be hurt so easily and I want to protect and perserve it. Sometimes I just ramble on with thoughts that are within my mind, heart and soul. Other times my writing has a purpose. I like to go back and read what I have written, its amazing as to how much you can tell about yourself, a person, by how and what they write. Like a moth to the flame, we are drawn to those who are the same. We all have memories that we tuck away for future moments in privacy. We all have moments where we reflect upon memories that have fallen. Do you not really understand what I am saying here? Let me try to explain it. There will always be memories of a moment or time in your life that you wish you could go back to, or change for the better. A wise and dear old "friend" of mine told me the other night, everything happens for a reason. Nothing we do will change that. I wanted to argue with him so bad on that point but I knew deep in my heart that he was right and it would have  been a unwise and fruitless battle on my part since he is indeed right, things do happen for a reason, wether we like it or not.  I thought about some of this last night and stared at the stars...wondered how many others have done the same thing. Stared at them and reflected on things that have come to pass. How many others have wished they could change the outcome of things or at least change how they did things in life? I guarentee that many others have indeed. There aren't many things I would change in my life, but there are a few I would prefer to go back and do over and do it right. No matter what my friends, fallen memories are just as cherished as other memories...sometimes more. I sure hope my friend knows how much he means to mean as a friend and how I wish I had done things differently in my past.


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