I'm sorry that I was not able to get some better shots. But my concern isn't whether these pictures are good. My concern is not stressing Ellesmera (Elle) out. I grabbed these shots while Chey took Elle out to potty. So I had to be quick.
Left to Right: Apollo (light colored pup), Artemis (pup under Apollo's paw), Aerhys, Athena (pup with white halo on neck) and Acheron (pup down below Apollo and the others)
Left to right: Acheron, Apollo, Artemis, Aerhys & Athena
Aerhys is the smallest in the litter. The others are about the size of a rat, while Aerhys (Aries) is more the size of a large mouse. Aerhys and Athena are both black with a few lighter markings on the face. Acheron and Artemis are a sable/chocolate brown color. Apollo is the only one that is a pale color. He is a golden color, hence the name Apollo (for the Greek God of the Sun).
They are so cute! Glad I found you from the Exposure 99% Blog Hop. You can find me at www.lucasandmahina.com.