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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The battle to come

  I never thought that I would have to deal with a dispute with the IRS. But yep it has happened. We filed taxes Feb. 6th, 2012 and they were accepted Feb. 7th, 2012. Got notice that our refund would be deposited on Feb. 15th. And then the date changed to Feb. 28th. Well after spending 2 hours on the phone with the IRS we found out what happened and I wasn't happy. Apparently there was an error on our 2009 taxes that we were unaware of. It has been fixed and now we are having to battle the IRS for this years refund. The Tax advocate called today and has already started the process. She also filed "Hardship" and said that because of the hardship created by not getting our refund, that we qualify for the hardship and can most likely expect to get our refund. She never did say how long we are looking at. My guess is that the IRS will drag it out as long as they can.


  1. Best of luck on this. I really don't think it'll be too long of a wait. <3

  2. I hope it isn't too long. It has caused a lot of stress around here. We've never been audited but I bet this will trigger an audit.


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