My week has been pretty accomplished thus far. I am looking forward to winding down but I know that is not going to happen just yet. This weekend we will be building an enclosure for Illarian, our goose. Which I am happy to say is definitely a female like I had said. Good to know that the non invasive techniques for determining the gender of geese, actually work. It helps that she laid 2 eggs this week that further proved I was correct. HA HA. I have to say though, her eggs are huge compared to my hens eggs. I finally located some game fowl and water fowl feed, so I purchased a 50lb bag to get her through the next 2-4 weeks. I also went ahead and got the next series of 7 in 1 shots for the puppies. 8 puppies means 8 individual injections. At 4.98 a syringe, not bad. So sometime this weekend I will be giving them their next series of immunizations. I am really proactive when it comes to preventing Parvo in dogs. Having went through the Parvo situation with 2 of my dogs years ago, it is not one that I want to revisit any time soon. Snowfire ended up spending almost 2 weeks in the Vet ICU isolation and costing me well over 2 grand. Glaedr spent 4 days in ICU isolation and was about 1500.00. Parvo is a nasty nasty virus and more often than not it kills. Most dogs don't display symptoms of Parvo until it is too late. By the time the dog has the dark runs, you can almost guarantee it's in the final stages of the disease. Yes Parvo can be cured. IF you catch it in the first stage. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting any of my dogs to get Parvo because they had had their shots. What I didn't know is the previous owners had neglected to finish the series of shots out. You can't just give a dog one shot and be done with it. It is a series of shots. In two weeks I will be getting the dogs in for their rabies boosters (the older dogs) and their first rabies (the puppies). This weekend also holds for us, the job of changing the oil in the new truck we purchased and switching the ignition and door locks out. Shouldn't take but 5-6 hours from what Daniel said. Ask me how long it actually took, after it has been done. HA HA.
Daniel is starting back to school this coming week. He is doing college for Criminal Justice and Forensics. Looks like I won't be the only one with a Forensics degree anymore. Between him and Dakota, looks like there will be 3 of us in Forensics. However, they will be the two that make use of the degrees. Mine has pretty much just sat as an achievement on my wall. Which is fine for me. For now. I will be starting back to college yet again, for the upteenth time and will be pursuing Archaeology and Anthropology (the forensic aspect of it) as well as finally going for my Masters in Fine Arts and Photography. Cherokee and Shawnee are doing really well with home school right now. Both are in 7th grade and making significant progress. I'm proud of them all. Cheyenne is finally finishing up her Marine Biology classes that she needs for her veterinarian degree. That leaves her with tackling the rest of the classes she needs.
Well, I am going to wrap this up for now. Maybe I'll have something more to write about later lol
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