One of our hens got out of the pen and we had to chase her down. Bastet thought it was humorous to go under the house and then under the barn. Seriously? Really? She gave me the evil eye once we caught her and I put her back in the coop. I don't think she was very happy with me. Arcaedaen got his tail too close to Illarian's pen and of course Illarian took the opportunity to nip it. Somehow, I think Arcaedaen figured out fairly quick that you don't get too close to the goose. He screeched and took off like no other. Meanwhile Illarian stood there and honked at him. Quack, honk, whatever you want to call it when a goose makes noise. It was amusing to watch. I warned Arcaedaen to not get too close. But the cat was curious and he paid for that curiosity lol. I don't think he will be going near Illarian again anytime soon. It makes me wonder how amusing it will be once we finish fencing in the front yard. Because after it's finished being fenced in, I will let Illarian roam. I suspect that we will see fewer stray cats in the yard. Now if only we could keep the stray dogs out. I swear, I think our dogs send secret messages to all the strays that says "Come to our house. You will like it here". If I ever catch them sending that secret message, I'll suspend their crayon rights. -snicker snort-
Cookie Smack tries to get out of the house from time to time and his escape plan is always thwarted by Cherokee. Boy is she protective of her cat. If cats could talk I'm sure he'd be cussing her out. Carsten and D'Alarian will sit at the end of my bed and "talk" to me. They will bark or "talk" as I call it and wait for me to respond. I find it entertaining. They "talk", I say "yeah? She did what?" and they will "talk" back. When they are done "talking" they go on their merry way. Bella is slowly losing her "panda" look. She's still a chubby little puppy but doesn't resemble a fat little panda cub anymore. For the most part that is. Elle's puppies are growing like weeds. They are about 2 1/2 weeks old now and adorable as can be. I suppose I should go finish cleaning. it isn't going to clean itself. Send me a maid will you?
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