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My ex's wife sent a series of emails. Further proving she is a heartless bitch that cares for no one but herself. I am stunned that this woman has said and now in writing, that she doesn't give a damn about the children that her husband has. I find it shocking that this woman finds nothing wrong with the venom and toxic bullshit that she spews to those children. MY children. The amount of hatred this woman has is astonishing. How can one woman be filled with so much hatred, so much venom, that she actively seeks to alienate and hurt someone else's children? How can someone do something like that? I find it astonishing and I am sitting here just shocked. I don't understand how one can have such a warped and twisted view that they find nothing wrong with being so toxic and venomous. The one thing I CAN say though....The bitch has picked the wrong family to target. I will not sit back and do nothing. I will not allow her to spread her toxicity and venom to my children. If she thinks that I will just stand back and let her treat my kids like this, she has another thing coming. I am just shocked. Shocked that she is such a selfish, ungrateful, self centered, egotistical, venomous, toxic bitch. I'm...wow....I'm done. I have not sent a response to her emails and I will not do so. I am not going to do it. Not until I am calmer and thinking clearly. I do have to wonder though if my ex is even aware that she sent these emails. And if he IS aware of the hate mails, why is he allowing her to do this to his kids? Wow is all I can still manage hours later.
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