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Saturday, February 11, 2012

One proud mama

     I am one proud mama. As you know my daughter Elizabethe-Ane died 17 years ago. My daughter Cheyenne wrote a poem for Elizabethe-Ane in 2009-2010. That poem has been selected as a semi finalist in a world poetry contest. That poem has been selected for publication in a beautiful book that will be in The Library of Congress. Cheyenne didn't tell me she had submitted the poem until today. When a letter arrived saying that she is a semi finalist in a world poetry event that has a grand prize of 1000.00. The letter stated the poem will be published whether she wins or not.  I am so proud of my girl. I am proud to be her mother, her best friend. I have no words for the emotions I have right now. My daughter. My baby girl. I am blessed to be her mama.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what an accomplishment! I am so sorry that you lost a daughter; I cannot imagine the pain that brings. My baby girl almost died at was touch-and-go for 24 hours and I honestly prepared myself to lose her. When the immediate danger had passed I came home from the hospital, but had to leave my daughter in the NICU. Every time I looked at the empty bassinet I burst into tears, because I knew it was only by the grace of God that she had lived.

    My husband, to this day, tells me that I made a bigger deal out of things than were necessary, but for months after my daughter was home and safe I continued to relive that first night when we thought she wouldn't make it. At the slightest sniffle or sign or illness I would panic and think I was going to lose her. Well, now she's two, healthy and robust, but I'll never forget how difficult that time was.

    I can only imagine how painful it must be to actually have lost a daughter.

    I am so glad that Cheyenne is being honored for her poetry. What a beautiful tribute to the sister she lost. Congratulations.

    Oh, and I'm following you back from the hop! :-) New Linky follower! Thanks for visiting my blog and for following, and take care!

    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood


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